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Our values

 Mijù believes that manual work and the  CRAFTSMANSHIP defines a human being and places him in a concrete universe where he is able to be proud of the work accomplished but also to put a time and effort reference on a purchased product.     We are no longer in an era of buying by necessity but we are not convinced that we feel affection for what we bought. We live on OVERCONSUMPTION instead of LIVE ON PASSION.   As we no longer like what we buy, we no longer try to make it REPAIRABLE AND HAVE SEVERAL LIVES.  We no longer capitalize on LONGEVITY AND DURABILITY. Mijù firmly believes in the application of LOCAL PURCHASE .  It is difficult in this area to find 100% local suppliers but  by manufacturing here and buying as much as possible here and in America, we make sure to encourage our people and HEALTHY AND NON-EXPLOITATION WORK PRACTICES. Mijù elevated DIVERSITY to the rank of normality and highlighted under-represented or ostracized groups in any way through the representativeness of the photos used and chosen models. Our models are put on make up but not retouched and do not undergo any modification on the size of their body. More concretely, Mijù would also like, through his actions, to encourage WOMEN but also equity.

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